2 Bewertungen

von Sunrise Medical

ZIPPIE Iris Kinderrollstuhl - Kompakt, leicht und einfach zu manövrieren

Der ZIPPIE Iris Kinderrollstuhl vereint die bahnbrechende Technologie der Intelligenten Rotation von Quickie IRIS mit den speziellen Anforderungen von Kindern. Sowohl der Grundrahmen als auch die Sitzfläche wurden speziell dimensioniert, wobei die Rohrdurchmesser und Anbauteile entsprechend angepasst wurden. Das Ergebnis ist eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung im einzigartigen Design des IRIS, die sich optimal für die Bedürfnisse von Kindern eignet.


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Bewertungen und Kommentare:

  • user
    Lauren - 30.08.2024 um 00:32
    Allgemeine Bewertung:
    We have the zippie iris and love it. It's definitely compact, fits in our mini van trunk area and still allows room for some groceries and suitcases if need be. Easy to adjust and well made. Only negative is: It didn't come with a sunshade but we found one on Amazon that fits the need.
  • user
    Mindy Hardwick - 29.08.2024 um 20:54
    Allgemeine Bewertung:
    We have the Zippie Iris and I do not like it. It’s bulky, heavy and only the upper part (back rest/handle) folds down. I fight to fold it down daily, because you have to use two hands to pull up on the pegs to release it, then basically push the back down with your chin. It’s really a pain! We have a Cadillac XT6 and even though the chair fits in the back with the 3rd row seats down, it’s really a struggle and starting to take a toll on my back lifting it in and out. We’re looking into adding a trailer hitch onto our vehicle so we can get a carrier with a ramp to save my back at least until I can just go buy a van. I also wish this chair reclined, making it more comfortable for when she gets tired and needs to rest for a few while we’re away and is unable to lay down somewhere.

    That being said, I do like that the seat is more cushioned and comfortable for my girl. The fabric is easy to clean with just a cleaning rag dipped in soap and water, so wiping the seat cushion and backrest down to clean up messes is a breeze. I also like that we can use the chest harness, just the safety lap belt or both which is great. When transporting her by bus or on days she’s not got the greatest trunk control the harness is needed, but other times we just use the lap belt which makes the convenience of getting her in and out of the chair great.