Muscle building

For children and adolescents with disabilities, aids for muscle strengthening can be an essential part of therapy. Such aids may include special training equipment like weights, balls, therapy bands, or electronic stimulation devices. These aids can help improve strength, endurance, and flexibility, stimulate muscles, and enhance well-being. However, it is crucial that these aids are used under the guidance of an experienced therapist or physician to avoid injuries or overexertion. Muscle strengthening aids can help children and adolescents with disabilities improve their motor skills and promote their independence.

Galileo Delta Mini Kipptisch Muskelaufbau Kinder FiNiFuchs
muscle building

Galileo® Delta Mini Tilt table

1 ratings
Gallileo Kiddy Muskelaufbau Kinder FiNiFuchs
muscle building

Galileo® Kiddy

2 ratings
Klangball FiNiFuchs
muscle building motion games sound toys

Jinglin' Ball

0 ratings
MOTOmed gracile12-Bewegungstherapie-FiNiFuchs-Kinderhilfsmittel
muscle building

MOTOmed gracile12

4 ratings
MOTOmed layson kidz.l-Bewegungstherapie-FiNiFuchs-Kinderhilfsmittel
muscle building

MOTOmed layson kidz.l

0 ratings
MOTOmed layson
muscle building

MOTOmed layson

0 ratings
MOTOmed loop kidz.l-Bewegungstherapie-FiNiFuchs-Kinderhilfsmittel
muscle building

MOTOmed loop kidz.l

0 ratings
MOTOmed loop
muscle building

MOTOmed loop

0 ratings
Physio Roll Therapieball Kinder FiNiFuchs
muscle building motion games

Physio Roll

1 ratings
Physiorolle FiNiFuchs
muscle building motion games sensory toys


0 ratings
Bohnenbad FiNiFuchs
muscle building play-dough & sand and stones sensory toys

THERABAND 30 kg complete set with acrylic box

0 ratings
Bohnenbad Sensorik Therapie FiNiFuchs
muscle building play-dough & sand and stones sensory toys


2 ratings