What is FiNiFox?
FiNiFox is the information portal for children's assistive devices.
Choosing the right assistive devices, whether immediately after the diagnosis or over time, remains a challenge. We know what we're talking about because we (Janine and Connie) are both mothers of two severely multiply disabled girls. Finja (†2019) and Nike have relied on numerous assistive devices since birth due to a genetic mutation called CDKL5.
In our quest for the appropriate everyday assistive devices for our children, we've navigated through the jungle of the extensive offerings for you and created this review portal for rehabilitation equipment. It aims to provide an overview of assistive devices, introduce products, and assist you in selecting the "right" assistive devices for your child.
We've realized that, in addition to a good medical supply store, the experiences of others are essential when deciding on the right assistive device. That's why, on this page, you have the opportunity to actively share your experiences with others and provide everyone with a better understanding.
What do you like about your assistive devices? What do you wish for, and what needs urgent improvement? Comment, discuss, and rate. We're eager to hear your opinions, and this also gives manufacturers the chance to enhance their products.