Tubes, Pumps, Accessories

Tubes, pumps, and accessories are important aids for children and adolescents with disabilities who require tube feeding. Tubes can be inserted either through the nose or directly into the stomach or intestine, depending on individual needs. Pumps enable controlled and continuous delivery of nutrition through the tube. Various accessories such as connecting tubes, venting valves, or adapters help to customize the tube feeding system to the child's specific needs. It is crucial that the personnel working with these aids receive proper training and adhere to hygiene protocols to minimize the risk of infections. Parents and caregivers should also regularly check the functioning of the tubes and pumps and follow the instructions provided by medical professionals.

Amika Ernährungspumpe FiNiFuchs
tubes & pumps and accessories

Enteral feeding pump Amika

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APPLIX_Smart_Pumpe Ernährungspumpe FiNiFuchs
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Enteral feeding pump APPLIX Smart

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APPLIX_Vision_Pumpe Ernährungspumpe FiNiFuchs
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Enteral feeding pump APPLIX Vision

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Flocare® Infinity Nutrition pump

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Flocare® Infinity Plus Nutrition pump

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