Cutlery & Dishes

There is a variety of specially designed cutlery and tableware to facilitate eating and promote independence. These include cutlery with thicker handles, non-slip surfaces, or angled grips to make holding easier. There are also plates and bowls with high edges to keep food on the utensils. Another important tool is the drinking cup with anti-drip or anti-spill lids to reduce the risk of spills. Many of these aids can be customized to meet the needs of each individual child. All of these tools enable children and adolescents with disabilities to be more self-reliant and independent, which can help strengthen their confidence and abilities.

cutlery & Dishes


0 ratings
HENRO-STRAP Haltehilfe-Greifhilfe-FiNiFuchs
cutlery & Dishes gripping and holding aids


0 ratings
cutlery & Dishes

Liftware Level

1 ratings
Snack Piekser Greifhilfe FiNiFuchs Kinderhilfsmittel
gripping and holding aids cutlery & Dishes

Snack picks

3 ratings
Thermoschale Kinderhilfsmittel FiNiFuchs
cutlery & Dishes

Thermal bowl

0 ratings
Thermoteller Kinderhilfsmittel FiNiFuchs
cutlery & Dishes

Thermo plate

0 ratings