
Bibs are an essential tool for children and adolescents with disabilities who have difficulties eating independently. There are different types of bibs tailored to the users' needs and requirements. Some bibs have catch pockets to minimize food spills and keep clothing and the table clean. Others are waterproof and can be easily wiped clean to ensure a hygienic and tidy environment. There are also special bibs for people with limited arm function, which can be fastened with magnets or Velcro straps. Additionally, bibs can be designed with fun patterns and colors to provide users with a pleasant and motivating dining experience. Overall, bibs can be of great help to children and adolescents with disabilities in leading a self-determined and independent life.

babybjoern laetzchen


2 ratings
fixstaernli laetzchen

Dining bib

0 ratings
bibs bibs and wipes

Magic bib

0 ratings
Wendetuch LeaoLatz Laetzchen FiNiFuchs
bibs bibs and wipes

protective scarves

7 ratings
fixstaernli wende laetzchen

Reversible bib

0 ratings
Froteelaetzchen Schuermann FiNiFuchs

Terry bib

0 ratings
wasserfestes laetzchen toddles Pien Polle

Waterproof bib

0 ratings