Bathtub seats

Bathtub seats are a great help for children and teenagers with disabilities who have difficulties bathing. These seats can be attached to the bathtub and provide a more stable and secure support during bathing. They are available in various sizes and designs to meet the different needs of children and teenagers. Some seats also come with a backrest and armrests to provide additional support and comfort. Bathtub seats can also help reduce the caregiving burden for parents and caregivers by making assistance with personal hygiene easier. By using bathtub seats, children and teenagers with disabilities can enjoy bathing as a pleasant and relaxing experience and promote their independence and self-sufficiency in daily life.

Akvosego Badewannensitz FiNiFuchs Atoform
bathtub seats


0 ratings
Aquatec Orca Badewannenlift-FiNiFuchs
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Aquatec Orca bathtub lift

0 ratings
bathtub seats


1 ratings
Flamingo R8
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Flamingo potty frame

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Individueller Badesitz Kinder mit Behinderung Specialised Orthotic Services FiNiFuchs
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individual bath seat

0 ratings
Inga Sitz Tosch
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Inga Seat

3 ratings
Nono Badewannensitz Badesitz FiNiFuchs Atoform
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0 ratings
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33 ratings
Badesitz RehaNorm Dreiecksitz Multiflex FiNiFuchs
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Triangle seat Multiflex

3 ratings